The Pioneering Ayurveda-Marma Hospital

Mysore, Karnataka, IN



AYUR MATAM Ayurveda-Marma Hospital is a unique medical institution, offering a confluence of centuries old traditional treatment procedures, and ancient medicine for modern day health needs. It has its genesis in the commitment, knowledge and foresight of a team of doctors and business tycoons to provide quality healthcare services to all sections of society. Ayur Matam provides authentic Ayurveda treatments & Marma Chikithsa by highly qualified professionals, and classical and proprietary Ayurvedic medicines. Our dedicated team of doctors and supporting staff strives to serve the ailing humanity in an ambiance of utmost care & comfort.




Ela or ila or patra means leaves; kizhi or pinda means bolus; Swedam means sudation. It is one of the major sudation process using herbal leaves, practiced by Vaidyas (physicians) in Kerala. It is highly effective in ailments affecting bones, joints and nervous system.




Navara Kizhi is one of the important treatment modalities which is used as a swedana karma. Navara kizhi is a type of bhrimhana Sweda or nourishing therapy.
Shastika Shali(Navara) Means rice which is grown in 60 days. This rice with special medicinal values is used as main ingredient in the procedure and so the name Shastika Shali or Nyavara. Pinda means a bolus. Sweda means Fomentation or sudation.
A bolus which is prepared with the medicated rice along with the other herbal medicines used for sudation is called Navara Kizhi or Shastika Shali Pinda Sweda.

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In this massage horse gram is heated in a pan and directly held inside a small linen bundle thereafter massaged over the body by two masseurs. Indication : Rheumatism, joint pain, inflammation of joints, stiff joints and all kind of body pain including Musculoskeletal Disorders. This particular traditional treatment method practiced by AYUR MATAM Ayurveda Hospital only.



In this treatment the knee is bathed in warm medicated oils or herbal decoctions, taking 20 to 30 minutes. It promotes the strength of the knee joint by improving the circulation. It is beneficial in knee joint pain, Osteo Arthritis of the knee joint.




The herbal face pack is created bespoke for each client with different herbal powders, oils or creams to improve skin complexion and condition. This treatment begins with a steam and is then followed by application of the mask. This treatment detoxifies, cleanses and nourishes the system to enhance beauty from within.



Kati basti is a medicinal oil treatment for relieving tensions of the lower back. The patient lays down on their stomach, a ring is fixed on their back with a paste made of a special flour and water.



This therapy is a beautiful combination of two classical Ayurvedic treatments, Snehana (oleation) and Swedana (sudation). The whole body is bathed in streams of lukewarm medicated oil with simultaneous soft massage. Three therapists attend to the client, focusing on their particular needs. More than three liters of relaxing, medicated oil is used in this therapy. Pizhichil protects the body from illnesses and builds up immunity for a healthy life. It is very useful for rheumatic diseases, arthritis, paralysis, sexual weakness, neurological disorders, blood pressure, nervous weakness and helps to arrest the aging process.



This is a typical deep massage using herbal powders. It is performed both dry and wet. This massage stimulates hair follicles and subcutaneous fat tissue to break down subcutaneous fat storage. The dry powder massage reduces blood cholesterol, obesity, and skin problems. In addition, it imparts mobility to the joints, strengthens muscles and refreshes the body. The most promising effect is the slimming of the body. It is most effective when taken as a package, where significant weight loss and cellulite reduction can be noticed.



A specific type of a cape perapired using the flour of urd dal for making a bace for the liquid medician on the head for some time. Herbal medicated oils are kept on the head 45 to 60 minutes for seven days . facial paralysisn, dryness nostrils , mouth and throat and severe he aeac courd with this procedure .



Continous floy of liquid in the form of a streak on the head is called shiro-dhara the liquid used for various types of diseases are herbal oils, buttermilk medicated milk, pouring thease for about 40 minutes in aday for one to three weaks give relief in insomnia, loss of memory, headach, mental tension and certain skin diseases .



Applying medicines through nasal route helps in disrases of haed. Herbal juices ,medicated oils and powders are used for nasya , mental disorderes ,including headec , skin disorders find relief with the application nasya .



Wrapping up the head with medicinal paste is known as Thalapothichil. It is an important treatment for many major and minor diseases that afflict the head. The hair on the head is completely shaven or at least cut short.The paste is applied on the crown and built up to 3cm thickness. The whole area is the wrapped over with leaves. After a prescribed time the paste is removed and a fresh coating applied. The duration of treatment is specified is specified by the physician. Medicated oil may also be poured onto the crown.Thalapothichil is special type of bandaging on the head after removing the hair by using paste prepared from medicines like amalaki and buttermilk.This treatment is mainly used for mental illness or psychosis, headache migraine, sinusitis, skin disease, insomnia, hair falling and mental retardation etc



Thalam is an ideal treatment for ENT problems, Insomnia, semi-paralysis of the face, migraine, reduces blood pressure and combats modern life style diseases like lack of concentration, lack of sleep



It is done by application of herbal paste over the affected area and them covered by using medicinal herbal leaves. Then it is covered with cotton cloth bandaging. It is removed after few hours or as per requirement. It is very effective in localised swelling and pain, joint injuries, osteo arthritis etc.




It focuses on the shoulders, neck, face and head, the areas most vulnerable to stress and tension. The head massage induces a state of calm, peace and tranquility and promotes high levels of alertness and concentration.

Patients in Thousands Have Happy Stories.

they came in pain. they walked out in joy.
Ayur Matam - delivering classical cures for modern disorders .